Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A-Tisket A-Taskit Tuesday

...A green and yellow basket...
Or any color basket for that matter!!
Baskets, baskets everywhere

Happy Tuesday!

 A shlew of baskets make for a fabulous wall display!

 Matching basket and napkin holder is the perfect organizer for your barware

 Love the big french basket under the console filled with ferns

 Baskets are perfect for storing throws in your living room

This large basket adds another element to the table display while also serving as the perfect place to store all of your favorite reading material

 Pullout basket storage built-in to your kitchen island

 Flat-back basket is perfect for sprucing up your front door

Open shelves in the kitchen allow for varying sized baskets to be displayed -- which also serve as great "hiding" places for various kitchen necessities

These open weave baskets add some texture to this sleek white kitchen

Dough Baskets makes for a great catch-all in the kitchen

Design Chic recommends the natural colored basket as it brings the color of the floor up to the counter top

Heck, you can even incorporate basket weave into a cake just as the couple did at this Magnolia Plantation wedding

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