Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday's Turquoise Treasure -- Gliss!

You can imagine my delight when sailed upon this TURQUOISE sailboat on Friday amidst the open waters of the Caribbean Sea on our voyage from St. Barth's to Sint Maartan! 

AND, hold your britches for this one -- 
not only was it turquoise but it's name was BLISS! ...or something close to it! 
Full disclosure here... amidst my excitement to see the turquoise treasure, I failed to notice that the navigation reported the boat's name is "Bliss" only with a G... Gliss!! Close enough, right?

So, word of the day -- Gliss. For fellow non-linguists, Gliss is short for a Glissando, which in music lingo is a glide from one pitch to another. It's roots are derived from the French glisser, to glide.Perfect name of this turquoise treasure that glides through the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean!

Gliss/Bliss, what have you, I obviously had to share this turquoise treasure of the sea with you! 

Check out this beaut! 

While the inside may not quite resemble the luxurious Isle de France I shared with you yesterday, it is (from my understanding after doing a little reading up on this turquoise treasure) a perfect example of merging the desire for a ocean racing vessel while maintaining comfort for long cruises and "pleasure yachting."
The world of interior design for yachts is new to me so I am not a sufficient judge of the decorum, colors, amenities, etc. but my two cents -- with a turquoise hulled ship like this, any voyage aboard this lovely yacht will be blissful for sure! 

 Spacious Saloon in the deckhouse
Contains two facing sofas (donning bright red and yellow!) and tables

Whitened Oak is used throughout

Runs the entire width of the beam and is complete with a living room, dressing room, and spacious bathroom

Another of the four cabins aboard the ship -- cabin with double bed and private bath

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing :) Looks like you had an amazing trip!!!
