Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bushels of Bliss and Peonies!

I am missing you (and my guilty pleasure) so... and boy do I feel out of loop on all of our favorite blogs!! 
While I am loving planning our conference and it is giving me great experience, I am counting down the days (we will be wrapping up one month from today -- at 12:30 pm EST to be exact) until the conference comes to a close and I can return to life outside of my office!  
I miss sharing my favorite finds with you but I will return soon!!

For now, I leave with you bushels of bliss and peonies! 

 A bushel of beauty!

 All you need is two or three to add the perfect vibrant splash to your coffee table! 



Would love to wake up to this delightful arrangement delightful arrangement on my bedside table!

The making of a perfect centerpiece!