Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bliss is Back!

Turquoise, Tulips and Bliss has been on a bit of a hiatus due solely to its "authors", i.e. me and i'm so sorry! Not making excuses but I will say that work took over my life from March to June and after a wildly successful conference mid-June, I am now beginning to feel human again! 
All of that behind us, we are back up and I am committing to returning to my favorite pastime, collecting and compiling my favorite things and sharing them with anyone and everyone! 

So, as a bit of a fresh start, I am going right back to the root of what never fails to make me smile:
... and Bliss!!

Please forgive my absence and I hope you will join me back here now on a much more regular basis! 

This room... is just bliss! Turquoise accents throughout complete with fresh cut tulips - take me away!

I would classify this as Turquoise and Bliss! How perfect would this be for a beach home? 

Beautiful white living room complete with white tulips

Lavender and Orange - an unlikely match if you had asked me but what an awesome bouquet this makes!

If only we could have magazine ready dining rooms -  with fresh tulip arrangements -- at all times! 

Who said sweet, danty tulips can't still be bold? This multi-color arrangement makes the colorful accents of the room pop all the more!

...and some words of wisdom as reminders of  how to live a life of bliss!


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