Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wicked Wednesday

Hope all of you are getting in the Halloween spirit... admittedly, Halloween is not my favorite but at the same time, who doesn't love a reason to decorate and have a party?! After Halloween comes my favorite, Thanksgiving... hard to believe they're right around the corner!

I was in New Orleans this past weekend and my, do they go all out!! Gracious!! Everything they do in that city is to the nth degree - just love all the excitement! Coming home to an nondecorated stoop has me feeling like a Halloween Grinch!

In case you too are looking to add a little wicked to your front stoop for all the trick-or-treaters who will come a knockin' tomorrow, here you go (and of course, there's always next year... never too early to start planning!)

By the way, take the wicked out of most of these and you have the perfect Thanksgiving front door decor for your family coming over for turkey in 4 weeks!

Hanging bats made simple with Martha's DIY project

Another idea with Martha's bats - hung across your door!
(make sure to hang with non-sticky tack so you can pull them right off on November 1st!)

Love the mix of stick and real pumpkins

Corn stalks and barrels of hay with some pumpkins and mums and voila! 

(of course, it doesn't hurt to also have a festive orange door!) 

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