Friday, August 9, 2013

It's Friday, I'm In Love... with Demijohns

I recently learned the technical term for these gems and it has such a ring to it that they've become even more eye catching.

Demijohn... just sounds so intriguing!

Where have I been on this one? 
Shame on me for simply calling them jugs. I should have known these fabulous pieces had a much swankier name. 

History lesson for the day: The demijohn originated as a method for transporting liquids, any liquids: water, wine, oils, etc.The oldest demijohns have the bubble, kidney-shaped bottom, but eventually their shaped evolved to a more jug-like shape making them easier to stack when transporting on wagons, ships, etc. While the shape may have evolved, the narrow-neck of the bottle did not. Antique demijohns are often sea-greens and blues but that too has evolved over time and now you'll see them in all sorts of colors (so color is the first tip-off of whether it's a true antique or not.) 

Whether antique or modern replica, they're still fantastic pieces to fill up those nooks and crannies around your house. Great containers for blooming branches or statements on their own, grouped together for color or filled with nick-knacks, you can truly use them in so many ways, they're a true staple!

This demijohn looks great simply filled with branches from the yard

Demijohns can add a pop of color atop a traditional piece

Demijohns under a kitchen island, why not?

Demijohns in a beautiful bedroom - with just a touch of subtle color. 

Subtle holiday decor using cranberries and demjijohns

Mix and match demijohn colors, shapes and sizes for a fabulous hassle free centerpiece

Now that's a serious lamp. A demijohn lamp to be exact.

Demijohns looks great outdoors, too!

... the options are endless!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Warhol on a Wednesday

Perrier's limited-edition Warhol labels are works of art in and of themselves!
Admittedly, I am already hooked to sparkling water but how can you resist a refreshing drink with such a fabulous label?
This may have just made me partial to Perrier!

Yesterday would have been the pop-artist's 85th birthday so as an ode to his milestone birthday and the famous 1983 collection of 40 works of art featuring the iconic bottle, Perrier decided it's about time they honor the legend! 

So, here's to you Andy. Bottoms up!

 The 750 mL bottles are adorned with one of four labels 
(but there are various quotes making for actually 28 variations so don't stop looking at 4!)

220 mL bottles are printed in one of four designs
(but there are various quotes making for actually 28 variations so don't stop looking at 4!)

There are four designs available on the .5 Liter bottles 

Four designs on 1 liter bottles

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tulips on a Tuesday... and on a Coffee Table

Pretty pink tulips will surely brighten your Tuesday... 
and put them on a chichi coffee table adorned with design's greatest books and I'd call them the cherry on the top!  

This coffee table masterpiece incorporates all of Southern Livings' makings for a good coffee table:
One: Something tall
Two: An oddball object
Three: Something fresh 
Four: Books

This coffee table, complete with pink tulips, is simply put, divine. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

The World is Your Oyster!

Happy National Oyster Day!

Oysters aren't just tasty... their shells make for some beautiful decor too!

Oyster shell garland makes for a beautiful tablescape

Oyster shells complimented by burlap, lace and mercury glass 

Friday, August 2, 2013

It's Friday, I'm In Love... With MYdrap Rolls!

These tear-off cotton or linen napkins, placemats and coasters are a brilliant concept and have become my go-to hostess gift as of late. With plenty of colors and patterns to choose from, MYdrap is designed to mix and match for countless perfect combinations of table settings for ever occasion.

MYdrap gems are made of 100% cotton or linen and come packaged on perforated rolls (similar to paper towels) that detach easily. They can be used once and disposed of or washed and used up to six times. Genius if you ask me.

You can now have the beauty of cloth on every table setting without the cost (or the dry-cleaning bill!)

The only downside to these -- there are so many options!!

Just a sampling of the 20 colors to choose from

Blues at the beach

Semi-disposable napkins are a must for your next luncheon

Picnic anyone? MYdrap has you covered with classic "picnic checks"

The vintage collection is so french chi

Cocktails on a lowkey night on your back patio? You still need a cocktail napkin of course making for the perfect time to pull out your MYdrap
The blues and grays are so interchangeable

How cute are these nautical rolled napkins for a pool party?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bliss is Back!

Turquoise, Tulips and Bliss has been on a bit of a hiatus due solely to its "authors", i.e. me and i'm so sorry! Not making excuses but I will say that work took over my life from March to June and after a wildly successful conference mid-June, I am now beginning to feel human again! 
All of that behind us, we are back up and I am committing to returning to my favorite pastime, collecting and compiling my favorite things and sharing them with anyone and everyone! 

So, as a bit of a fresh start, I am going right back to the root of what never fails to make me smile:
... and Bliss!!

Please forgive my absence and I hope you will join me back here now on a much more regular basis! 

This room... is just bliss! Turquoise accents throughout complete with fresh cut tulips - take me away!

I would classify this as Turquoise and Bliss! How perfect would this be for a beach home? 

Beautiful white living room complete with white tulips

Lavender and Orange - an unlikely match if you had asked me but what an awesome bouquet this makes!

If only we could have magazine ready dining rooms -  with fresh tulip arrangements -- at all times! 

Who said sweet, danty tulips can't still be bold? This multi-color arrangement makes the colorful accents of the room pop all the more!

...and some words of wisdom as reminders of  how to live a life of bliss!
